M any grooms opt for a Jodhpuri suit for their wedding day. Wearing a Jodhpuri suit without the Safa is a huge catastrophe. The Jodhpuri Safa comes in all designs and colours and completes the look for the groom. It adds class and glamour to his look. If the entire look, the Safa or the turban is what grabs the attention instantly. It is an important part of not only the groom’s attire but also that of his father, uncles, cousins, best man and other immediate male relatives. However, the groom’s turban is naturally far more special than the rest.
The importance attached to Safas in Jodhpur is on account of the fact that Indian kings and princes considered their crown and turban as a symbol of their pride.
It has always been considered a symbol of self-esteem for men of the region. Ancient people considered the Safa to promote an individual’s background such as his cast and creed and town or region. During a certain ruling era, turban was exchanged in order to save lives or properties. It was symbolised as valour, pride and honour during wars.
The Jodhpuri Safa also played an essential role in determining a person’s cultural roots from the way it was tied. The significance was so deep that it was held as an item for mortgage during economic crises. Today, though it does not have so many quintessential aspects, we still do safeguard our ancient norms by wearing it.
Wedding Safa Online provides the most versatile and affordable Safas for our customers. Our product is defect-free and customised specially for our customers. We take care that each piece is made to perfection. A minimum order has to be placed for the whole wedding party. The groom’s Safa is more complex and incurs additional charges.
We are among the best Safa retailers in the country. With numerous successful marriages we have made a huge name for ourselves. We also provide tying services for Jodhpuri Safas. It is done by experts who finish the whole process in two minutes. They have been applauded and recommended due to their great work. We know what makes a great attire fabulous and eye catching.
You can contact us and take a look for yourself before choosing what suits you best. Wedding Safa Online is your ultimate destination in Safas.
Wedding Safa Online offers the widest collection of Safas in India. We have years of experience in this field and offer exclusive service for the groom too.
Mobile No :+91-9810777896
Main Office : G25, Greenwood City, Sector 40, Gurugram, Haryana 122001